Monday 3 December 2018

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' at iis or local sytem

//////////////////////// Error

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'

//////////////////////// Solution

Set the pool identity on LocalSystem and thought why it might be preventing "NT AUTHRITY\SYSTEM" from opening a connection to my database. Opened up SQL Server Management Studio as the user "Administrator" and checked out the Server Roles for NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM under "logins" section. The default server role for this user was public by default. So checked sysadmin also  and refreshed the web application form

Setp 1.  Select Your Database
Setp 2. Expand Security tab
Setp 3. Expand Logins
Setp 5. Right click and go to properties
Setp 6. Select Sysadmin also if not selected
Setp 7. Save and exit.

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