Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Pesudo class which is use with out using javascript class

There are a lot more Pseudo Class available through which we can really add special effects without using JavaScript. Below listed Pseudo Classes are some of the examples among those:
  1. :first-child
  2. :focus
  3. :hover
  4. :right
  5. :target
  6. :valid
  7. :visited
  8. :active
  9. :checked
  10. :default
  11. :dir()
  12. :disabled
  13. :empty 
  1. :enabled
  2. :first
  3. :root
  4. :scope
  5. :last-child
  6. :last-of-type
  7. :left
  8. :link
  9. :not()
  10. :nth-child()
  11. :only-child
  12. :first-of-type
  13. :fullscreen

  1. :only-of-type
  2. :optional
  3. :out-of-range
  4. :read-only
  5. :read-write
  6. :required
  7. :indeterminate
  8. :in-range
  9. :invalid
  10. :lang()
  11. :nth-last-child()
  12. :nth-last-of-type()
  13. :nth-of-type()
Note: Please check here for browser support details.

Thanks Smile | :) and I will be happy to head from you.

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How to highlight selected text in notepad++

  –> To highlight a block of code in Notepad++, please do the following steps step-1  :- Select the required text. step-2  :- Right click...