Wednesday, 24 February 2021

How to get start and end date from month number and Year in sql server


declare @Year int=2020, @Month int=1

Select 'Month Name : '+ DateName( month , DateAdd( month , @Month , 0 ) - 1 )

select cast(dateadd(month, @Month - 1, dateadd(year, @Year - 1900, 0)) as date) [Start Date],

       cast(dateadd(month, @Month,dateadd(year, @Year - 1900, -1)) as date) [End Date]

////////////////// Result

Month Name : January

Start Date End Date

2020-01-01 2020-01-31

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Select Column values as Comma Separated (Delimited) string in SQL Server using COALESCE without using xml

 ///////////////// Sql

declare @Fieldname VARCHAR(max),

     SELECT @Fieldname = COALESCE(@Fieldname + iif(len(@Fieldname)>0, ',',''), '') + CAST(Fieldname AS VARCHAR(5))

      FROM tbl_Table_Fields  order by RID

select @Fieldname


declare @Fieldname VARCHAR(max)

SELECT @Fieldname = COALESCE(@Fieldname + iif(len(@Fieldname)>0, ',',''), '') + 'cast(['+Fieldname+'] as varchar(150))['+Fieldname+']' FROM tbl_Table_Fields order by RID

select @Fieldname

/////////////// REsult

cast([Reservior_Level] as varchar(150))[Reservior_Level], cast([TMC_GrossCapacity] as varchar(150))[TMC_GrossCapacity], cast([TMC_Live_Above_Cill] as varchar(150))[TMC_Live_Above_Cill], cast([TMC_Above_Cill] as varchar(150))[TMC_Above_Cill], cast([Flow_Inflow] as varchar(150))[Flow_Inflow], cast([Flow_OutFlow] as varchar(150))[Flow_OutFlow], cast([Flow_Withdrawal] as varchar(150))[Flow_Withdrawal], cast([Cum_TMC_Inflow] as varchar(150))[Cum_TMC_Inflow], cast([Cum_TMC_OutFlow] as varchar(150))[Cum_TMC_OutFlow], cast([Cum_TMC_Withdrawl] as varchar(150))[Cum_TMC_Withdrawl], cast([Evaporation] as varchar(150))[Evaporation], cast([Cum_Evaporation] as varchar(150))[Cum_Evaporation], cast([River_Spillway] as varchar(150))[River_Spillway], cast([River_PowerHouse] as varchar(150))[River_PowerHouse], cast([River_Sluice] as varchar(150))[River_Sluice], cast([Other_Abstractions] as varchar(150))[Other_Abstractions]

Monday, 8 February 2021

CSS-Only Scrollable Table or gridview with fixed headers pure css

 ///////// Style 

<style type="text/css">

        .Tbl-fixed-headers {

            width: 750px;

            table-layout: fixed;

            border-collapse: collapse;


            .Tbl-fixed-headers th {

                text-decoration: underline;


            .Tbl-fixed-headers th,

            .Tbl-fixed-headers td {

                padding: 5px;

                text-align: left;


                .Tbl-fixed-headers td:nth-child(1),

                .Tbl-fixed-headers th:nth-child(1) {

                    min-width: 200px;


                .Tbl-fixed-headers td:nth-child(2),

                .Tbl-fixed-headers th:nth-child(2) {

                    min-width: 200px;



                .Tbl-fixed-headers td:nth-child(3),

                .Tbl-fixed-headers th:nth-child(3) {

                    width: 350px;


            .Tbl-fixed-headers thead {

                background-color: #333;

                color: #FDFDFD;


                .Tbl-fixed-headers thead tr {

                    display: block;

                    position: relative;



            .Tbl-fixed-headers tbody {

                display: block;

                overflow: auto;

                width: 100%;

                height: 300px;


                .Tbl-fixed-headers tbody tr:nth-child(even) {

                    background-color: #DDD;


        .old_ie_wrapper {

            height: 300px;

            width: 750px;

            overflow-x: hidden;

            overflow-y: auto;


            .old_ie_wrapper tbody {

                height: auto;



//////////////// Html

<table class="Tbl-fixed-headers" border="1">












      <td>These are red and this is healthy</td>





      <td>These are green and this is healthy</td>




      <td>Purple / Green</td>

      <td>These are purple and green and this is healthy</td>





      <td>These are orange and this is healthy</td>





      <td>These are yellow and this is healthy</td>





      <td>These are green and this is healthy</td>





      <td>These are Purple and this is healthy</td>





      <td>These are red and this is healthy</td>





      <td>These are red and this is healthy</td>





      <td>These are red and this is healthy</td>





      <td>These are orange inside and this is healthy</td>





      <td>These are green inside and this is healthy</td>





      <td>These are green and this is healthy</td>





      <td>These are red and this is healthy</td>





      <td>These are blue and this is healthy</td>





      <td>These are orange and this is healthy</td>



      <td>Passion Fruit</td>


      <td>These are green and this is healthy</td>




/////////////// Result

How to highlight selected text in notepad++

  –> To highlight a block of code in Notepad++, please do the following steps step-1  :- Select the required text. step-2  :- Right click...